How would you like to join a poker room and win a share of $100,000 right in the beginning? Well, if that sounds like a great offer to you, then it is time you joined the 888poker room today, to … Continued
Author Archives: Daniel Moravec

Short Stack Poker Strategy
Beware the short stack! You’ve played well throughout the entire poker tournament and are about to make the money. All you have to do is survive and a payout will be coming your way. However, you want to place farther … Continued

Short-handed Sit and Go Tournament Strategy
Short-Handed sit n go poker tournaments require good timing and an aggressive playing style. Most Short-Handed strategy guides suggest to play tight aggressive, this is a good strategy but could lead many players into trouble. Short-Handed sit and go strategy … Continued

Sit n Go Strategy From 888 Poker
I played at one of the forty player 888 Poker sit and gos recently, and ended up taking third place. I did so well in this sit and go because I was armed with a new style of play and information I … Continued

Watch Poker Pros as They Play
I just received an email from Full Tilt Poker that was quite interesting. It said that I was actually able to watch poker pros play poker online, for high stakes. You can view any of these games by simply logging … Continued

Back from Las Vegas
I haven’t posted an update in awhile, and I have good reason for this. I’ve been uploading new content every few days, but I also have another project going on that is going to blow all you Mac Poker fan’s … Continued

A Look at WSOP Odds
With $12.5 million on offer to the winner, the 2006 World Series of Poker is the richest prize in sport. Just nine players can still win it and they are all guaranteed to be millionaires. However the differential between winning and … Continued

Ten Pacific Poker $500 Freerolls
I forgot to mention that we are going to be having over a week of $500 freerolls for new depositors only (no other players can play). You will also be able to get the 50% up to $100 plus $25 … Continued

Internet Gambling Prohibition Vote Put Off
After passing in the house of representatives, the internet gambling prohibition act that would prohibit the use of U.S. credit cards to pay for online gambling debts / transactions doesn’t seem to be a priority to the United States senate. … Continued

New Mac Casino Bonuses Listed – July 26, 2006
For you hard core gamblers out there, I’ve organized a complete list of Mac compatible online casino bonus codes. The list is in order of who gives you the biggest / best first deposit bonus. I’ve also written a detailed guide … Continued